Asus PCI-DA2200 User Manual
Page 354

ASUS GUI RAID Manager: Troubleshooting
Startup Errors
Startup Errors
Error Message1: Error encountered during OPEN: Unable to
Connect to Controller
Cause1: The GUI RAID Manager was not able to establish a link
with the target disk array system. This may be caused by one (or
more) of the following: a wrong baud rate or communication port
setting, no disk array controller is installed, bad RS-232 cable, bad
connection, or no null modem is installed.
Solution1: Specify the correct baud rate and/or COM port in the
Settings of RS-232 Interface dialog box. Ensure that the settings you
specify correspond to the actual settings on the RS-232 port. Check
also for the required hardware and cable connection.
Error Message2: Error encountered during OPEN: Selected Port
Not Available
Cause2: The COM Port you selected does not exist in your system.
Solution2: Specify the correct COM port in the Settings of RS-232
Interface dialog box. Be sure to select the port to which the disk
array system is actually connected.
Error Message3: Error encountered during OPEN: Selected Port
Already in Use
Cause3: The selected COM port is in use by another program or
Solution3: Select an unused COM port from the Settings of RS-232
Interface dialog box and connect the controller to this COM port.
Or, locate the program or device that is using the port and disable or
remove it.