Asus PCI-DA2200 User Manual
Page 313

ASUS GUI RAID Manager: Notification Configuration
5.4 Configuring Notification Options
Level 3 Sample Events
SCSI Drive Failure
You select the notification level from the RAID Manager
Options dialog box. Selecting a relatively low level also selects
the level(s) above it; thus, selecting Level 1 events, for example,
will also select Levels 2 and 3 events. Since Level 3 is the
highest level, selecting this will only select Level 3 events.
5.4 Configuring Notification Options
The RAID Manager Options dialog box allows you to enable or
disable the notification function of the GUI RAID Manager,
select the notification level, specify the event countdown limit,
and stop all on-going pager notifications. Event countdown is
the latency time between event occurrence and notification
sequence initiation; this helps administrators to abort issuance of
the notification sequence should they be on-site already.
4 To configure notification options
1. Select Options from the menu bar. The RAID Manager
Options dialog box appears: