Asus PCI-DA2200 User Manual
Page 315

ASUS GUI RAID Manager: Notification Configuration
5.5 Configuring a Pager Notification
user-configurable time interval, you can stop subsequent
transmissions with this check box. Be reminded though that
this will only affect the current event; for succeeding events,
this check box will revert to its default state of disabled (no
check mark).
You can also stop the on-going pager notification to a
specific recipient through the Personal Information: Pager
dialog box. For information, see the Configuring a Pager
Notification section of this chapter.
6. Click OK to save the new notification option settings.
5.5 Configuring a Pager Notification
You can configure a pager notification that will send a message
to a paging device when a specific disk array event occurs in the
It is recommended that a unique number be assigned to identify a
specific disk array system. Since messages received on a pager
may vary widely, you need to assign a number to facilitate
reference. For example, if the disk array system in the
Accounting Department of your company has 01131965
assigned to it, when this number is sent to the pager, the recipient
knows that the message is from the disk array system in the
Accounting Department.
For pager notification to work, you should have a modem
connected to the RS-232 of your manager station. This modem
should then be connected to a working telephone line. The
communication parameters of both the modem and the RS-232
port on the computer should be set accordingly.