Moog Music Taurus 3 Bass Pedals User Manual

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Taurus 3 User’s Manual - The User Interface

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Taurus 3 User’s Manual - The User Interface

Allows you to set the positive (UP) and negative (DN) ranges for
receiving MIDI Pitch Bend commands. The settings are specified in
semitones. To change either parameter, use the CURSOR button to
highlight the parameter, then use the VALUE knob to select the new
parameter value.

Values - UP: 0, +2, +3, +4, +5, +7, +12

DN: 0, -2, -3, -4, -5, -7, -12


Allows you to select the source for the Arpeggiator Clock. When
‘INT’ is selected as the clock source, the Arpeggiator runs from its own
internal clock. In this mode, when the Arpeggiator is switched ON
the Arpeggiator Clock rate is adjusted either with the CONTROL
footwheel, or by using the Tap Tempo function, or by issuing a MIDI
CC#90 command. When ‘MIDI’ is selected as the clock source, the
Arpeggiator is driven from an externally applied MIDI Clock. In this
mode, the MIDI Clock synchronizes the Arpeggiator to the sending de-
vice (a software DAW, for example).

Values: INT, MIDI


Allows you to control the action of the Envelope Gate, enabling you to
sustain notes without keeping a pedal held down. When NOTE LATCH
OFF is selected, the Gate goes on and the note is held as long as a
pedal is held down. When the pedal is released, the Gate goes off and
the note is released according to the DECAY settings. When NOTE
LATCH ON is selected, once a pedal is pressed, the Gate stays open
until that pedal is pressed again. If a new pedal is pressed (depending on
the KB Priority), the Gate behaves according to the Trigger Mode and
stays on until that pedal is pressed again. This allows you to play sustain-
ing drones without a Sustain Pedal. To change the Note Latch status, use
the CURSOR button to highlight the parameter, then use the VALUE
knob to set the new parameter value.

Values: ON, OFF


NOTE: Used in conjunction with ARPEGGIATOR LATCH ON, the
NOTE LATCH ON setting allows you to build up chords in the
arpeggiator note stack.