Moog Music Taurus 3 Bass Pedals User Manual
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Taurus 3 User’s Manual - The Components
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Taurus 3 User’s Manual - The Components
B.2. Arpeggiator
Arpeggiator Panel Controls:
Selects the arpeggiator Order parameter, which determines the order in which notes are sequenced. The
available selections are UP, DN (Down), and ORDER where:
UP - Notes are sequenced from the lowest note to the highest
DN - Notes are sequenced from the highest note to the lowest
ORDER - Notes are sequenced in the order that the note stack was filled
Selects the arpeggiator Pattern parameter, which determines the sequence playback mode.
The available
modes are LOOP, B/F (Back/Forth) & ONCE, where:
LOOP - When the sequence reaches the end, it loops back to the starting point
B/F - When the sequence reaches the end, it reverses direction and returns to the starting point
ONCE - The sequence makes a single pass and then stops
Selects the arpeggiator Octave parameter, which determines the overall note range of the sequence. The
available values are -2.1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2.1. With the exception of ‘-2.1’ and ‘2.1’, all values specify octaves.
When these values are selected, the sequence will play the original note entered, and then the same note
transposed by octaves until the octave limit is reached. For ‘-2.1’ and ‘2.1’ values, the sequence will trans-
pose up or down two octaves and then back one octave towards the original pitch. For example, if the
arpeggiator was sequencing a single note (‘C1’), and ‘2.1’ was chosen as the Octave value, the sequence
would be ‘C1 - C2 - C3 - C2’.
For more on Arpeggiator operations, see Appendix A - Arpeggiator Examples.
The Arpeggiator is a note pattern generator based
on the notes played on the pedalboard and stored
in the note stack (the note stack is a ‘memory
bank’ for the arpeggiator). For any note or series
of notes that are played, the arpeggiated pattern is
determined by the Order, Pattern and Octave set-
tings, along with the Latch and other parameters in
the Advanced Preset menu.
The Arpeggiator control panel provides controls
to select the Order, Pattern, Octave, and Latch
parameter values, as well as Arp ON/OFF and
Arp Rate.