Printronix T2N User Manual
Page 92

Ignore MD/SD Cmd
This menu allows the ^MD Media Darkness and ~SD Set Darkness commands to be ignored.
Disable (factory default). Use the darkness settings from the ^MD and ~SD commands in
the datastream.
Enable. Ignore the ^MD and ~SD commands in the datastream and use the front panel
intensity settings.
Ignore MN Cmd
This menu allows the ^MN Media Tracking command to be ignored.
Disable. Use the media tracking (sensor setting) as set by the ^MN command in the data
Enable (factory default). Ignore the ^MN commands in the data stream, and use the
sensor setting configured via the front panel menu.
Vertical Density
This option allows you to fine tune the vertical print density (in the paper motion direction) on
printers with either 203 or 300 dpi printheads. The result is that the vertical position and height will
be changed accordingly. The default value matches the printhead dpi. Enter a new DPI value to
either compress (higher DPI) or expand (lower DPI) the image.
The range varies depending on the printhead. For 203 dpi, the range is 201 to 220. For 300 dpi,
the range is 300 to 330. The factory default is the actual printhead dpi.
Storage Select
This menu allows the user to map the parameter B: to either the Flash (PCB Flash) or SD card.
PCB Flash. Map B: to PCB Flash
SD (factory default). Map B: to SD card.