Printronix T2N User Manual

Page 86

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Boundary Check

This option turns on or off the page boundary check for all print elements.

Enable (factory default). When enabled, an out of bound error is reported if the print
element is out of the page boundary.

Disabled. When disabled, no out of bound error is reported. The out of bound print
element prints over the page boundary.

Ignore Mode

This parameter instructs the IGP to ignore the character selected under the Select Character

Disable (factory default). The IGP does not ignore any characters.

Enable. The IGP ignores the character specified in the Select Character menu.

Ignore Char

This parameter selects which character to discard when Ignore Mode is enabled.

0 (factory default)

0 - 255. Any character from 0 to 255 in decimal.

Skip Cmd Prefix

Stands for Skip Command Prefix. This parameter determines if the printer will print any non-
terminated data on the same line before a PGL command is received. This command only has
affect when the Active Emulation is set to PGL. Otherwise, data before a valid PGL command will
always be ignored.

Disable. Data preceding the command will be processed as text.

Enable (factory default). Data preceding the command will be skipped (ignored).

Trunc Dyn Data

This submenu allows the user to truncate the dynamic data up to the maximum data length
specified in Create Mode.

Disable (factory default). If the dynamic data exceeds the maximum data length, an error
will report.

Enable. If the dynamic data exceeds the maximum data length, the data truncates.

Slash Zero

This parameter allows you to print the numeral “0” with or without the slash. This option applies to
all character sets except OCR A and OCR B.

Disable (factory default). Zero is printed without a slash.

Enable. Zero is printed with a slash.