Printronix T2N User Manual
Page 145

Max # of Files in DRAM, 113
Max # of Files in FLASH, 112
Max Cache Memory, 115
Max Cached Char, 116
Max Cal. Length, 76
Max Font Buffer, 115
installation, 26
Media Handling, 72
Media Sensor, 75
Media Specification, 14
Media Type, 96
Media/Sensor Control, 114
Head-Up Sensor, 114
Ribbon Encoder, 114
Ribbon Sensor, 114
Media/Sensor Tab, 71
Clip Page, 74
Cut Label Count, 74
Fault Reprint, 73
Gap Offset/Black Mark Offset/Disable Offset,
Gap Size/Black Mark Size/Disable Size, 75
Head Auto Cal, 76
Horz Image Shift, 73
Label Length, 72
Label Wait Time, 73
Label Width, 72
Max Cal. Length, 76
Media Handling, 72
Media Sensor, 75
Mirror, 73
Paper Jam Distance, 73
Power Up Action, 75
Print Mode, 72
Print Speed, 71
Sensed Distance, 75
Sensor Intensity, 75
Tear Off Adjust, 73
Threshold Detection, 75
Vert Image Shift, 73
Memory, 112
Mirror, 73
Notices, Communication, 139
OCR-A Chars., 116
OCR-B Chars., 116
Operations Overview, 15
Operator Controls, 20
front panel, 20
keys, 20
LED indicators, 21
power-up key combinations, 21
Optional Features, Product, 12
Orientation, 83, 89
Configuration Utility, 59
operations, 15
printer, 16
product, 9
Page Memory, 113
Parameter Values
Configuration Utility, 66
inch, 67
mm, 67
Parity, 78
Password Setup, 103
Peel-Off Mode, Load Media, 31
PGL Character Sets, 119
PGL Diagnostics, 88
PGL Tab, 83
Boundary Check, 86
C39 Compatible, 87
Character Group, 84
Character Sets, 84
Do FF at TOF, 85
Ext Execute Copy, 85
Forms Handling, 85
Host Form Length, 84
I-2/5 Selection, 87
Ignore Char, 86
Ignore Mode, 86
Orientation, 83
PGL Diagnostics, 88
Print Direction, 84
Select SFCC, 84
Select SO Char, 87
Skip Cmd Prefix, 86
Slash Zero, 86
Trunc Dyn Data, 86
UPC Descenders, 87
Var Form Adjust, 85
Var Form Type, 85
Vertical Adjust, 87
PGL Text Printing, 117
CR Edit, 117
Define CR Code, 117
Define LF Code, 117
Select LPI, 117
Pin Configuration RS-232C, 12
Platen Roller Assembly, Replace, 51
Power Up Action, 75
Power-Up Key Combinations, 21
Print Direction, 84, 89, 93
Print Label, 102
Print Mode, 72
Print Specifications, 13
Print Speed, 71
Print Test Page, 101