Veris Industries Badger 3050 SERIES Install User Manual
Page 17

1: 4-20mA
analogout [1-2] low = [x] -- value corresponding to 0 (or
4) mA
analogout [1-2] high = [x] -- value corresponding to 20mA
analogout [1-2] setpoint = [x] -- PID setpoint
analogout [1-2] P = [x] -- PID constants
analogout [1-2] I = [x] -- PID constants
analogout [1-2] D = [x] -- PID constants
comm baudrate = [0-7]
0: Auto
1: 300
2: 1200
3: 2400
4: 9600
5: 19200
6: 38400
7: 76800
comm mstpaddr = [0-127] -- BACnet/MSTP address
comm maxmaster = [0-127] -- BACnet/MSTP max master
comm devinst = [x] -- BACnet device instance ID
comm mbslaveaddr = [0-247] -- MODBUS slave address
Addr Function
1 Flow 1 Rate (GPM)
2 Flow 2 Rate
3 Flow 1 Total (gallons)
4 Flow 2 Total
5 BTU Rate (kBTU/hr)
6 BTU Total (kBTU)
7 Batch 1 Count
8 Batch 2 Count
9 Temp 1 (deg F)
10 Temp 2
11 Temp Delta (T2-T1)
Trouble Codes:
Code Meaning
1 Relay 1 totalizer rate exceeded
2 Relay 2 rate exceeded
3 Relay 3 rate exceeded
4 Relay 4 rate exceeded
5 Pulse out rate exceeded
20 Error reading EEPROM on faceplate
21 Error writing EEPROM
22 Analog Input card missing
24 Temperature Input card missing
25 Invalid flow units configured
26 Invalid volume units configured
27 Bad input frequency
29 Internal error calculating flow rate
31 Error reading from analog input AD converter channel
32 Error reading from analog input AD converter channel
36 Error writing to analog input AD converter channel 1
37 Error writing to analog input AD converter channel 2
50 Error reading I2C address 0 (relays, buttons, and
51 Error writing to I2C address 0
52 Error reading I2C address 1 (analog input card control
53 Error writing I2C address 1
54 Error reading I2C address 2 (temperature input card
control lines)
55 Error writing I2C address 2
71 Watchdog timer reset occurred
82 Fatal error initializing EEPROM