Implementing the secure seal feature (cont.) – TROY Group MICR_IRD 3005 Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide User Manual
Page 67
Section 4
Using the TROY Printer Utility
Security Printing Solutions User’s Guide -- 50-70410-002 Rev. A
Implementing the
Secure Seal
Feature (cont.)
The following additional seal options can be enabled or disabled to suit the requirements of the print job.
Seal Option
Enabled (checked)
Disabled (unchecked)
Use Metadata
Seal data will use the available metadata
tags and data, which are overlaid on top of
the current defaults (Printer Utility settings)
and data specified. All data capture fields
(except “Custom” fields) can be used for the
metadata tags.
Seal data will use only the defaults (Printer
Utility settings) and data specified. Default
values for all fields except Resolution X and Y
are blank. A default template is not provided.
Auto Apply Each Page
Seal print event is triggered by an end-of-
page event (must be used with the “Use
Metadata” option enabled)
Seal print event is triggered via data command.
Use Location
Seal prints at the specified X, Y location.
Seal prints at the current location on the page
(cursor location).
Display Error (default
Seal processing errors are displayed on the
printer control panel.
Seal processing errors are not displayed on the
printer control panel (silently ignored).