TROY Group Digital Image User's Guide for HP Printers User Manual
Digital image user's guide for hp printers, Understanding digital images

Digital Image User's Guide for HP Printers
Document #50-70297-001 Rev. G
Page 1 of 6
Understanding Digital Images
The TROY Digital Images are typically stored onto a device (DIMM, SIMM, font card) that is physically
installed into a TROY Security Printer or provided as a resource file for use in devices such as the TROY Secure
Resource Bank. Each Digital Image: signature(s), logo(s), etc., are converted and stored individually as a non-
scalable (fixed-size) font, not a graphic image. There are many benefits to storing these images in a font format:
speed, ease of use and software application/platform independent. To better understand how Digital Images are
used as fonts, review the following example:
The example shown above demonstrates a "signature" digitally created into a font. The Digital Image is broken
up into fixed-size cells and then each cell is assigned to an ASCII character. Combining all the ASCII
characters create the entire image. This pattern is called the character matrix. Note: The character matrix
pattern may vary. For the specific pattern for each custom image, please refer to your TROY Digital Image
Data Sheet documentation. This document was supplied with your order. The information on this document is
very important and it is recommended to save the information in a secure place.
There are two methods to access the TROY Digital Images. For Microsoft Windows, refer to the section titled
Using TROY Digital Images with Microsoft Windows. For programming outside the Microsoft Windows
environment, refer to the section titled Programming TROY Digital Images (non-Microsoft Windows).