2 shuttlepro use in edit clip module, 1 shuttlepro installation and configuration, Shuttlepro use in edit clip module – EVS Xfile Version 2.19 - November 2012 User Manual User Manual

Page 175: Shuttlepro installation and configuration

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XFile Version 2.19 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – November 2012

Issue 2.19.A


5.2 ShuttlePRO Use in Edit Clip Module

From XFile version 1.12, the ShuttlePRO can be used to perform the commands
corresponding to the buttons of the IN-OUT tab in the Edit Clip module.

This chapter explains how to install and configure the ShuttlePRO for use in the Edit Clip
module. It also provides the ShuttlePRO and shortcut commands in the IN-OUT tab of the
Edit Clip module.

5.2.1 ShuttlePRO Installation and Configuration

To be able to use the ShuttlePRO, you need to install it on the XFile workstation and
configure it for use with the XFile application.

To install and configure the ShuttlePRO, proceed as follows:


Double-click the executable file

c d i _ s h u t t l e _ w i n _ x . x . x x . e x e


correspond to the version number) delivered with the ShuttlePRO and follow the
installation wizard.


When this is installed, right-click the ShuttlePRO icon

on the right of the

Application toolbar. A contextual menu opens.


Select Open Control Panel from the contextual menu.

The Shuttle Device Configuration window opens.

In the ShuttlePRO tab, click the Options button and select Import Settings from
the contextual menu: