Job source, Job end status, Completion time – EVS Xfile Version 2.19 - November 2012 User Manual User Manual

Page 121: Disk usage and transfer rate area

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XFile Version 2.19 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – November 2012

Issue 2.19.A


Restore: displays all the restore operations performed in a complete session.

Updates: displays all the update operations performed on archived files.

Deletes: displays all the delete operations.

Grabs: Displays all the grab operations.


Job Source

Select the source of the jobs you want to be displayed in the list:

User: displays all the jobs requested by a user.

XT: displays all the jobs requested by an EVS video server, when auto-archive
parameters have been selected.

XML: displays the list of jobs requested via XML file by a source application
(IPDirector, Automation system, …).

Auto: displays the list of jobs requested when Autobackup mode is used.

Job End Status

Clicking the Successful or Failed button displays the list of jobs successfully completed
or the list of failed jobs.

Completion Time

Displays the list of jobs done during

the last day: operation status related to the last 24 hours.

the last hour: operation status related to the last hour.

A period of time: a range of date & time can be defined to sort the jobs created during
that period. Click on the ‘Range’ button. A dialog box will then open where you will
have to enter a start date and time, as well as an end date and time.

Disk Usage and Transfer Rate Area

The Disk Usage area displays the remaining capacity and the capacity of local disks.

The Transfer rate area displays the transfer rates for backup and restore operations in