Media file settings, Filename format string, Output mode – EVS Xfile Version 2.19 - November 2012 User Manual User Manual

Page 111: Metadata file settings, Always generate evs.xml

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XFile Version 2.19 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – November 2012

Issue 2.19.A


Media File Settings

Filename Format String

The following filename is assigned by default to the media file including the playlist A/V


c l i p n a m e


c r e a t i o n d a t e


The name of the media file is user-defined and can be modified as described in section
‘How to Modify the Default Filename Format String’, on page 29.

The user can reset the default filename by clicking the Reset button.

Output Mode

The output mode drop-down list box allows the user to specify to which file format the
backup playlist should be exported or the rendered playlist should be backed up.

Three output modes are currently available:

EVSMXF 2MB (.mxf)

MXF OP1a (.mxf)

QT (.mov)

Metadata File Settings

Always Generate EVS.XML

If you tick this check box, an EVS.XML file will always be created when the backup
playlist is exported to a file or when the server playlist is backed up into a file.