Xfile clipname, Output file format, Path – EVS Xfile Version 2.16 - November 2011 User Manual User Manual

Page 160: Filename, Output mode

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Issue 2.16.A

XFile Version 2.16 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – November 2011


The Output tab allows the user to define the settings related to the format and the

name of the backup file or the backup clip created.
These settings will have priority on the default settings defined in the Jobs tab of

the XStream Configuration window.

XFile Clipname

Specifies the name of the clip that XFile will create for the backup of the record

train(s). The same clipname is assigned to each record train that is backed up in a

given job.

Output File Format

Seven different output formats are available to save the files: EVS MXF 2 MB,

MXF OP1a (SD IMX Only), Quick Time Movie, Quick Time Reference, Transfer to

Avid Ingest Device, Avid MXF OPAtom and Avid OP1a (Std SMPTE).


Manually select/modify the path for this recording to the correct folder/disk.


Allows to specify an automatic filename for each possible file format selected in

the Output Mode group boxes.
See also section ‘Format String’ on page 126 and ‘How to Modify the Default

Format String for the Filename’, on page 126.
If the filename is not filled in, the default filename will be used. The approximating

filename is displayed below this field. It takes into account the expected values for

the fields included in the filename.

Output Mode

It is not mandatory to use Secondary and Third outputs. When no output format is

selected from the Output Mode field, Output Disabled is displayed.

Compulsory Output for Secondary and Third Output Modes

When the Compulsory Output check box is selected, all the jobs must be

completed. If the backup of the compulsory output failed, the entire job will be
