Clean options, Save jobs, Folder name – EVS Xfile Version 2.16 - November 2011 User Manual User Manual

Page 140: Xml file name, Age 130)

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Issue 2.16.A

XFile Version 2.16 – User Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – November 2011






The Clean commands from the Record Grid menu allow the users to clean jobs

from the time grid. Only jobs which have occurred in the past and are completely

finished will be cleaned.
Four clean options are available depending on the job status:

Clean Successful

Clean Failed

Clean Stopped

Clean All





The Save Jobs command from the Record Grid menu allows saving manually the

information on the running, scheduled and pending XStream jobs into an XML file.

An automatic save can also be configured in the XStream Configuration window

(see the section Save Jobs Options, on page 128).

Folder Name

The XML file that contains the job information, either generated manually or

automatically, is saved in the default folder specified in the XStream Configuration

window, Advanced Parameters tab, Save Jobs group box. For more information,

see the section ‘Save Jobs Options’, on page 128.
When saving the jobs manually, the user can modify this default folder. In case of

automatic save, the application will always store the generated XML file in the

default folder

XML File Name

When the job information is saved manually to an XML file, the files created are

named according to the following pattern: XStreamJobs d a t e > < f i l e c r e a t i o n t i m e > . x m l


When the job information is saved automatically to an XML file, the file created

has the following name: last_auto_save_Jobs_file.xml.
When the job information is saved automatically in an XML file when the user exits

the application, the file created has the following name:
l a s t _ e x i t i n g _ X F i l e - J o b s _ f i l e . x m l
