Garmin GPSMAP 295 User Manual
Page 88

The ‘TIMERS’ file tab provides the following settings/information:
• USER TIMER—lets you select a count up or count down timer. For a count down timer, you
may also specify the count down duration.
• BATTERY TIMER—provides a running count of how long the GPSMAP 295 has been in
operation with the current batteries. The timer automatically stops when using an external
power source. The timer will automatically reset when depleted batteries are replaced, or can be
manually reset.
• SINCE MIDNIGHT (information only)—displays a running count of how long the GPSMAP
295 has been in operation since midnight of the current day.
To set the user timer or reset the battery timer:
1. Press MENU twice to display the Main Menu, then use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the
‘TIMERS’ file tab.
2. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the ‘USER TIMER’ or ‘BATTERY TIMER’ field and press ENTER.
A pop-up window will show the available settings for the selected field.
3. For the user timer: Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select ‘Off’, ‘Count Up’, ‘Count Down’ or ‘Reset’
and press ENTER.
For ‘Count Up’ you may wish to select ‘Reset’ first to zero the counter. For ‘Count Down’
you may wish to enter a count down duration first in the field to the immediate right.
4. To reset the battery timer (or turn the timer off), select ‘Reset’ (or ‘Off’) and press ENTER.
The ‘TIMERS’ tab provides count down and count up timers,
a battery timer and elapsed timer for the current day’s
To enter a countdown time, first enter the count duration (in
the right-hand column) then select ‘Count Down’ and press
ENTER. For a count up timer, select ‘Reset’ then select
‘Count Up’.
Main Menu: Timers