Garmin GPSMAP 295 User Manual
Page 74

With optional MapSource MetroGuide CD-ROM data and a cartridge, your GPSMAP 295 can
provide a wealth of restaurant, lodging, entertainment and shopping listings (and more!). With this
information stored in your GPSMAP 295, and available at a moments notice, you’ll find the unit to be
an invaluable travelling companion on the ground as well as in the air.
Nearby points of interest are available by pressing the NRST key and selecting the desired category
and search criteria. Points of interest categories are described in detail on page 52.
To view information for nearby points of interest:
1. Press NRST to display the Nearest Pages and use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the ‘POI’ file tab.
2. Press the DOWN portion of the ROCKER KEYPAD to highlight the POI category field and press
ENTER. A pop-up window will list available POI categories (see page 52).
3. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select the desired category and press ENTER.
4. Use the RIGHT portion of the ROCKER KEYPAD
to highlight the search criteria field and press
ENTER. A second pop-up window will appear,
allowing you to narrow your search criteria.
5. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to select your
search criteria and press ENTER. If you do not
wish to narrow the search, select ‘All Types’.
6. All points of interest for the specified criteria will
be listed. Use the ROCKER KEYPAD to scroll
through the list. Once the desired item is
highlighted, press ENTER to display name,
address, phone number and an area map.
7. To select the point as your destination, highlight
the on-screen ‘GOTO’ button and press ENTER.
8. To return to the Nearest Pages, highlight the on-
screen ‘OK’ button and press ENTER.
Nearest Points of Interest
...once you’ve chosen the category, highlight the search
criteria field to narrow your search even further.
To search for a nearby hotel, start by selecting the Nearest
Pages and the ‘POI’ file tab. Then, select the category field
and press ENTER to display a list of categories...