Upload router firmware using tftp -8, Figure 10-10 menu 24.7.1 as seen using telnet -7, Figure 10-11 ftp session example -7 – ZyXEL Communications Prestige 310 User Manual

Page 121: Table 10-2, Third party ftp clients –general fields -7

background image

Prestige 310 Broadband Sharing Gateway

Transferring Files


Figure 10-10 Menu 24.7.1 as seen using Telnet

1.1.1 Example - Using the FTP command from the DOS Prompt

Use “put” to transfer files from the workstation to the Prestige, e.g.,

put prestige.bin ras


the firmware on your computer (prestige.bin) to the Prestige and renames it “ras”. Similarly


prestige.rom rom-0

transfers the configuration file on your computer (prestige.rom) to the Prestige

and renames it “rom-0”. See the beginning of this chapter for more information on filenames. Type “quit”


exit the ftp prompt.

Figure 10-11

FTP Session Example

Note: The system reboots after a successful upload.

The following table describes some of the fields that you may see in third party FTP clients:

Table 10-2

Third Party FTP Clients –General fields

Host Address

Enter the address of the host server.

Login Type


Menu 24.7.1 – Upload Router Firmware using FTP

To upload the router firmware, follow the procedure below:

Launch the FTP client on your workstation.


Type “open” and the IP address of your Prestige. Then type “root” and your SMT password as


Type “put firmwarefilename ras” where “firmwarefilename” is the name of your firmware
upgrade file on your workstation and “ras” is the remote file name on the Prestige.


The system reboots automatically after a successful firmware upload.

For details on FTP commands, please consult the documentation of your FTP client program. For
details on uploading router firmware using TFTP (note that you must remain in menu 24.7.1 to
upload router firmware using TFTP), please see the Prestige manual.

Press ENTER to Exit:

331 Enter PASS command
230 Logged in
ftp> bin
200 Type I OK
ftp> put prestige.bin ras
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR ras
226 File received OK
ftp: 327680 bytes sent in 1.10Seconds 297.89Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quit