Figure 125 menu 11.1 remote node profile, Table 84 menu 11.1 remote node profile – ZyXEL Communications ADSL 2+ Gateway P-660HW-T1 User Manual
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P-660H/HW/W-T Series User’ Guide
Chapter 24 Remote Node Configuration
Figure 125 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
In Menu 11.1 – Remote Node Profile, fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= MyISP Route= IP
Active= Yes Bridge= No
Encapsulation= RFC 1483 Edit IP/Bridge= No
Multiplexing= LLC-based Edit ATM Options= No
Service Name= N/A Edit Advance Options= N/A
Incoming: Telco Option:
Rem Login= N/A Allocated Budget(min)= N/A
Rem Password= N/A Period(hr)= N/A
Outgoing: Schedule Sets= N/A
My Login= N/A Nailed-Up Connection= N/A
My Password= N/A Session Options:
Authen= N/A Edit Filter Sets= No
Idle Timeout(sec)= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Table 84 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name
Type a unique, descriptive name of up to eight characters for this node.
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes to activate or No to
deactivate this node. Inactive nodes are displayed with a minus sign –“ in SMT
menu 11.
PPPoA refers to RFC-2364 (PPP Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5).
If RFC-1483 (Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5) of ENET
ENCAP are selected,
then the Rem Login, Rem Password, My Login, My Password and Authen
fields are not applicable (N/A).
Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select the method of multiplexing that
your ISP uses, either VC-based or LLC-based.
Service Name
When using PPPoE encapsulation, type the name of your PPPoE service here.
Rem Login
Type the login name that this remote node will use to call your Prestige. The login
name and the Rem Password will be used to authenticate this node.
Rem Password
Type the password used when this remote node calls your Prestige.
My Login
Type the login name assigned by your ISP when the Prestige calls this remote
My Password
Type the password assigned by your ISP when the Prestige calls this remote
This field sets the authentication protocol used for outgoing calls. Options for this
field are:
CHAP/PAP – Your Prestige will accept either CHAP or PAP when requested by
this remote node.
CHAP – accept CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) only.