Ping-no-answer fallback switching -1, Adding ping-no-answer profiles -1, Ping-no-answer fallback switching – Western Telematic AFS-16-1 User Manual

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6. Ping-No-Answer Fallback Switching

The Ping-No-Answer function can be used to automatically switch one or more circuit
modules when an attached device fails to respond to a Ping Command. In addition,
the Ping-No-Answer function can also be configured to send an email, text message,
Syslog Message or SNMP Trap to notify you whenever a Ping-No-Answer Action occurs.
Please refer to Section 7.3 for instructions on setting up email alarm notification for
Ping-No-Answer Actions.

To set up a Ping-No-Answer Profile, access command mode using a password that
permits Administrator level commands and then proceed as follows:

Text Interface: Type

/PNA and press [Enter] to display the Ping-No-Answer

Directory menu. From the Ping-No-Answer Directory Menu, you can Add, Modify,
View or Delete Ping-No-Answer Profiles as described in the Sections that follow.

Web Browser Interface: Click on the "Ping-No-Answer Configuration" link on the

left hand side of the screen to display the Ping-No-Answer Directory menu. From
the Ping-No-Answer Directory menu, you can Add, Modify, View or Delete Ping-No-
Answer Profiles.

Note: After defining or editing Ping-No-Answer parameters, make certain
to save the changes before proceeding. In the Web Browser Interface, click
on the "Add Ping No Answer" button to save parameters; in the Text Interface,

[Esc] several times until the AFS-16 displays the "Saving Configuration"

message and the cursor returns to the command prompt.

6.1. Adding Ping-No-Answer Profiles

Up to 54 Ping-No-Answer Profiles can be defined. The Add Ping-No-Answer menu is
used to define the following parameters for each new Ping-No-Answer Profile:

IP Address or Domain Name: The IP address or Domain Name for the device

that you wish to Ping. When the device at this address fails to respond to the Ping
command, the AFS-16 will switch the selected circuits. (Default = undefined.)

Note: In order to use domain names, DNS Server parameters must first be
defined as described in Section 5.9.5.

Ping Interval: Determines how often the Ping command will be sent to the

selected IP Address. The Ping Interval can be any whole number, from 1 to 2,800
minutes. (Default = 15 Minutes.)

Interval After Failed Ping: Determines how often the Ping command will be sent

after a previous Ping command receives no response. (Default = 1 Minute.)

Ping Delay After PNA Action: Determines how long the AFS-16 will wait to send

additional Ping commands, after Ping-No-Answer A/B switching has been initiated.
(Default = 15 Minutes.)