Circuit control via snmp -3, Controlling circuits -3, Controlling circuit groups -3 – Western Telematic AFS-16-1 User Manual

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Operation via SNMP

13.4. Circuit Control via SNMP

13.4.1. Controlling Circuits
A/B Switching and Default commands can be issued for circuits via SNMP. Circuits are
arranged in a table of N rows, where N is the number of circuits in the system. Circuit
parameters are described below.

circuitTable::circuitID – String indicating the circuit's ID

circuitTable::circuitName - String indicating the circuit's user-defined name.

circuitTable::circuitStatus – Current state of the circuit

0 Switch Position B

1 Switch Position A

circuitTable::circuitAction – Action to be taken on circuit

1 Mark to Switch to A (does not execute)

2 Mark to Switch to B (does not execute)

3 N/A

4 Mark to DEFAULT Circuit (does not execute)

5 Mark to Switch to A and execute circuit actions

6 Mark to Switch to B and execute circuit actions

7 N/A

8 Mark to DEFAULT Circuit and execute circuit actions


circuitTable::circuitAction to desired action, as specified by values 1-4

above, for each circuit index the action is to be applied to. For the last circuit you wish
to set before executing the commands, use values 5-8 instead, which will invoke the
requested commands all at once.

13.4.2. Controlling Circuit Groups
A/B Switching and Default commands can be issued for circuit groups via SNMP. Circuit
Groups are arranged in a table of 54 rows, one row for each circuit group in the system.
Circuit Group parameters are described below.

circuitGroupTable::circuitGroupName – String indicating the circuit groups


circuitGroupTable::circuitGroupAction – Action to be taken on circuit


1 Mark to Switch to A (does not execute)

2 Mark to Switch to B (does not execute)

3 N/A

4 Mark to DEFAULT Circuit (does not execute)

5 Mark to Switch to A and execute circuit group actions

6 Mark to Switch to B and execute circuit group actions

7 N/A

8 Mark to DEFAULT Circuit and execute circuit group actions


circuitGroupTable::circuitGroupAction to desired action, as specified by

values 1-4 above, for each circuit group index the action is to be applied to. For the last
circuit group you wish to set before executing the commands, use values 5-8 instead,
which will invoke the requested commands all at once.