Texas Instruments TMS370 User Manual
Page 72

Verifying the Contents of a Device
Operating in the Display Window
3.13 Verifying the Contents of a Device – the Verify Command
When you use the verify command, the microcontroller and gang
programmers display different prompts and messages. The microcontroller
programmer is discussed in sub-section 3.13.1, and the gang programmer is
discussd in subsection 3.13.2.
3.13.1 Verifying Using the Microcontroller Programmer
verify command compares the contents of the device with the contents of
the PC memory. If any data byte in the device does not match the correspond-
ing data byte in the PC memory, this function generates a verification output
Step 1: Specify the error file for the verification output (if any).
Error file:
If you have entered an error file previously, it will appear as a default.
Step 2: Identify the address range of the content you want verified.
PC memory base address: all
The default for the base address,
all, means to use the valid address
ranges defined for the current device type as the blocks of PC
memory for verification. The valid address ranges also determine the
locations in the device from which the data bytes are read.
However, if you want to verify the device from a block of PC memory
other than the default, enter an address to specify the start address
of the block. Then enter the size of the block at the next prompt.
Size (in bytes): 0000h
When specifying values other than the default, you must also define
the device base address, where the verification should begin, at the
following prompt.
Device base address:
The default for this prompt is the value entered for the PC memory
base address prompt. If you want to read from a different device lo-
cation, enter the new address here.
After you have entered all of the parameters correctly, the programmer starts
reading the data bytes from the device and comparing them with the data bytes
in PC memory.
If any inconsistent data bytes are detected, they are written to the error output
file. The verification proceeds packet by packet (180-byte segments). Before
the programmer reads a packet of data bytes, it verifies that the source device
address to be read from is inside the valid address ranges defined for the cur-