Texas Instruments TMS370 User Manual

Page 50

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Showing the Display Window/Ending Your Current Session and Returning to DOS


Operating in the Configuration Window

2.13 Showing the Display Window — the Display Command

When you choose the

display command, the programmer software checks to

to see if a current device type has been selected. If you have selected a current
device type, the programmer sets up the configuration and briefly displays the
following message before returning to the top level command.

Set programmer configuration.....

If you have

not selected a current device type, the following warning message

is displayed:

Warning: Device not selected, unable to set up the programmer

Press any key to erase the warning; then, use the

choose device command

to select a current device. You cannot proceed to the display window until a
valid current device has been selected.

2.14 Ending Your Current Session and Returning to DOS — the Quit


Use the

quit command to exit the programmer software. Before the program-

mer software actually quits, you must confirm that this is what you want to do
at the prompt:



to confirm that you really want to quit. Any other key is interpreted

as a retraction of the quit command.