Oracle A75089-02 User Manual

Page 74

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Viewing Staged Documents


Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User’s Guide

View Staged Documents window, Transaction Tab:


Select the view, All or Errors Only.


Select either the Status tab or the Transaction tab.

These two tabs represent different ways that you can find the transactions.


Use the left side of the window to select the tree node (or line) you want to
review for rule violations.


Choose Process Violations or Column Violations to drill down on the details.


After you complete the appropriate setup or have decided to ignore rule
violations, position your cursor within the navigation tree.

All transactions contained by the node you select will be resubmitted for
validation. For example, if the cursor is set on a transaction name, all those
transactions are re-validated. If the cursor is set on a single transaction, only
that transaction is resubmitted for validation.

To ignore rule violations, see:

Viewing Process Violations

on page 6-7 and

Viewing Column Violations

on page 6-8.