Oracle A75089-02 User Manual
Page 40
Defining Trading Partner Data
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway User’s Guide
Optionally, access trading partner flexfields (also known as attributes) by
choosing the flexfield represented by [ ]. In order to be used, flexfields must first
be defined using System Administration.
◗◗ To define a trading partner assignment:
In the Assignment tabbed region, associate this trading partner definition with
the corresponding Oracle Applications physical address entity. This is address-
or site-level data.
Do one of the following:
If you are defining the trading partner as a customer, select a customer and
customer site. These values are defined in Oracle Order Entry and / or
Oracle Receivables.
If you are defining the trading partner as a supplier, select a supplier and
supplier site. These values are defined in Oracle Purchasing and / or
Oracle Payables.
If you are defining the trading partner as a bank, select a bank branch
address. This value is defined in Payables.
If you are defining internal locations such as your ship-from location, select
the Human Resources location code. These values are defined in Oracle
Human Resources.
◗◗ To define trading partner details:
Open the Details tabbed region to enable transactions and define
transaction-specific attributes for the trading partner.
Select the document adding / receiving this document type to test transactions
for this trading partner.
This allows transactions to be marked as a test transaction even if it is extracted
from a production application. This code should agree with the test /
production flag defined in the EDI translator software or the trading partner
For outbound transactions, the test indicator is set to T (test) on the control
record 0010 in the interface data file. For inbound transactions, the test indicator
is set to T for the application open interface table if the table has a test /
production flag.