Oracle A75089-02 User Manual
Page 144
Payment Order / Remittance Advice outbound
Performing Seed Data Reconciliation, B - 4
Planning Schedule outbound
Predefined code categories, 4 - 11
Price / Sales Catalog inbound
Process rules, 5 - 5
Process violations, 6 - 7
Profile options, 2 - 4, 2 - 8
Purchase Order Change Request outbound
Purchase Order outbound
Code Conversion Values, 9 - 2
Interface File Data, 9 - 3
Trading Partner, 9 - 5
Transaction Layout Definition, 9 - 5
Transactions Enabled for Trading Partners, 9 - 6
Response to Request for Quote inbound
Seed data reconciliation, B - 4
Setting Profile Options, 2 - 8
Setup, 2 - 2
Ship Notice / Manifest inbound
Shipping and Billing Notice inbound
importing, 7 - 11
Shipping Schedule outbound
Staged documents, 6 - 3
Supported transactions, 1 - 5
Trading partner
Trading Partner Report, 9 - 5
Trading partners
Transaction code
ADVO, 8 - 2
ASNI, 7 - 9
CATI, 7 - 4
CDMO, 8 - 9
INI, 7 - 2
INO, 8 - 7
POCO, 8 - 17
POO, 8 - 15
PYO, 8 - 10
RRQI, 7 - 6
SBNI, 7 - 11
SSPO, 8 - 12
SSSO, 8 - 12
Transaction Layout Definition Report, 9 - 5
Transactions Enabled for Trading Partners
Viewing Column Violations, 6 - 8
Viewing Process Violations, 6 - 7
Viewing Staged Documents, 6 - 3