87 midi implementation appendices, Ascii code table – Roland JV-1010 User Manual

Page 87

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MIDI Implementation


Retrieving data for Temporary Performance (RQ1)


When a data transfer is executed in Utility mode, data that is accessed will be the same
as that which is transmitted when the Type parameter is set to PERFORM and the Source
parameter is set to TEMP: -PATCH

The “Parameter Address Map” gives the following start addresses for Temporary
Performance data.

01 00 00 00H

Temporary Performance Common

01 00 10 00H

Temporary Performance Part 1

01 00 1F 00H

Temporary Performance Part 16

Since Performance Part has a size of 00 00 00 19H, we add that size to the start address of the
Temporary Performance Part 16, resulting in:

01 00 1F 00H
+) 00 00 00 19H
01 00 1F 19H

Thus, the Size for the retrieved data will be:

01 00 1F 19H
-) 01 00 00 00H
00 00 1F 19H






01 00 00 00

00 00 1F 19












(1) Exclusive status

(2) ID number (Roland)

(3) Device ID (17)

(4) Model ID (JV-1010)

(5) Command ID (RQ1)

(6) EOX

Calculating the checksum as shown in , we get a message of F0 41 10 6A 11 01
00 00 00 00 00 1F 19 47 F7 to be transmitted.

Retrieving the Temporary Performance data together with all Temporary

Part and Rhythm Set data (RQ1)


When a data transfer is executed in Utility mode, the data that is accessed will be the
same as that which is transmitted when the Type parameter is set to PERFORM and the
Source parameter is set to TEMP: +PATCH

The “Parameter Address Map” gives the following start addresses for Temporary
Performance, Performance Mode Temporary Patch and Performance Mode Temporary

01 00 00 00H

Temporary Performance

02 00 00 00H

Performance Mode Temporary Patch (part 1)

02 08 00 00H

Performance Mode Temporary Patch (part 9)

02 09 00 00H

Temporary Rhythm Setup

02 0A 00 00H

Performance Mode Temporary Patch (part 11)

02 0F 00 00H

Performance Mode Temporary Patch (part 16)

The Patch offset addresses are as follows.

00 00H

Patch Common

10 00H

Patch Tone 1

16 00H

Patch Tone 4

Since Patch Tone has a size of 00 00 01 01H, we add this size to the start address of
Performance Mode Temporary Patch (Part 16) Tone 4, to get:

02 0F 00 00H
16 00H
+) 00 00 01 01H
02 0F 17 01H

Thus, the size of the retrieved data will be:

02 0F 17 01H
-) 01 00 00 00H
01 0F 17 01H






01 00 00 00

01 0F 17 01












(1) Exclusive status

(2) ID number (Roland)

(3) Device ID (17)

(4) Model ID (JV-1010)

(5) Command ID (RQ1)

(6) EOX

Calculating the checksum as shown in , we get a message of F0 41 10 6A 11 01
00 00 00 01 0F 17 01 57 F7 to be transmitted.

Scale Tune Function
(Model ID: 42H (GS), address: 40 1x 40H)

Scale Tune is a function that makes fine adjustments to the pitch of each note C-B. Settings
are made for one octave, and applied to the notes of all octaves. By making Scale Tune
settings you can use tunings and temperaments other than the standard Equal
Temperament. Here we give three types of settings as examples.


Scale tune messages for any parts are recognized in the patch mode.

Equal Temperament

This temperament divides the octave into 12 equal steps, and is the temperament most
frequently used today, especially in western music. Initially, the Scale Tune function of this
instrument is set to Equal Temperament.

Just Intonation (tonic of C)

The primary triads sound more beautiful in just intonation than in equal temperament.
However, this applies only in one key, and chords will be discordant if you play in a
different key. The settings here are for a tonic of C.

Arabian-type Scale

The Scale Tune function allow you to use various tunings of ethnic music. Here is one of the
Arabian scales.

Setting examples


Equal Temp.

Just (in C)

Arabian-type Scale

















































The values in the above table are in units of 1 cent. Convert these values to hexadecimal,
and transmit them as exclusive data. For example to set the Scale Tune of Part 1 to an
Arabian-type scale, transmit the following data.
F0 41 10 42 12 40 11 40 3A 6D 3E 34 0D 38 6B 3C 6F 40 36 0F 76 F7

ASCII Code Table

On the JV-1010, the following ASCII code set is used for processing data such as the Patch
Name and the Performance Name.

| D | H | Char || D | H | Char || D | H | Char |
| 32 | 20H | SP || 64 | 40H | @ || 96 | 60H | ` |
| 33 | 21H | ! || 65 | 41H | A || 97 | 61H | a |
| 34 | 22H | " || 66 | 42H | B || 98 | 62H | b |
| 35 | 23H | # || 67 | 43H | C || 99 | 63H | c |
| 36 | 24H | $ || 68 | 44H | D || 100 | 64H | d |
| 37 | 25H | % || 69 | 45H | E || 101 | 65H | e |
| 38 | 26H | & || 70 | 46H | F || 102 | 66H | f |
| 39 | 27H | ` || 71 | 47H | G || 103 | 67H | g |
| 40 | 28H | ( || 72 | 48H | H || 104 | 68H | h |
| 41 | 29H | ) || 73 | 49H | I || 105 | 69H | i |
| 42 | 2AH | * || 74 | 4AH | J || 106 | 6AH | j |
| 43 | 2BH | + || 75 | 4BH | K || 107 | 6BH | k |
| 44 | 2CH | , || 76 | 4CH | L || 108 | 6CH | l |
| 45 | 2DH | - || 77 | 4DH | M || 109 | 6DH | m |
| 46 | 2EH | . || 78 | 4EH | N || 110 | 6EH | n |
| 47 | 2FH | / || 79 | 4FH | O || 111 | 6FH | o |
| 48 | 30H | 0 || 80 | 50H | P || 112 | 70H | p |
| 49 | 31H | 1 || 81 | 51H | Q || 113 | 71H | q |
| 50 | 32H | 2 || 82 | 52H | R || 114 | 72H | r |
| 51 | 33H | 3 || 83 | 53H | S || 115 | 73H | s |
| 52 | 34H | 4 || 84 | 54H | T || 116 | 74H | t |
| 53 | 35H | 5 || 85 | 55H | U || 117 | 75H | u |
| 54 | 36H | 6 || 86 | 56H | V || 118 | 76H | v |
| 55 | 37H | 7 || 87 | 57H | W || 119 | 77H | w |
| 56 | 38H | 8 || 88 | 58H | X || 120 | 78H | x |
| 57 | 39H | 9 || 89 | 59H | Y || 121 | 79H | y |
| 58 | 3AH | : || 90 | 5AH | Z || 122 | 7AH | z |
| 59 | 3BH | ; || 91 | 5BH | [ || 123 | 7BH | { |
| 60 | 3CH | < || 92 | 5CH | \ || 124 | 7CH | | |
| 61 | 3DH | = || 93 | 5DH | ] || 125 | 7DH | } |
| 62 | 3EH | > || 94 | 5EH | ^ |+——————+——————+——————+
| 63 | 3FH | ? || 95 | 5FH | _ |

D: decimal
H: hexadecimal


SP indicates “space.”