NEC uPD78P078 User Manual
Page 448
(d) Automatic transmission/reception suspending and restart
Automatic transmission/reception can be temporarily suspended by setting bit 7 (CSIE1) of the serial
operating mode register 1 (CSIM1) to 0.
If during 8-bit data transfer, the transmission/reception is not suspended if bit 7 (CSIE1) is set to 0, it
is suspended upon completion of 8-bit data transfer.
When suspended, bit 3 (TRF) of the automatic data transmit/receive control register (ADTC) is set to
0 after transfer of the 8th bit, and all the port pins used with the serial interface pins for dual function
(P20/SI1, P21/SO1, P22/SCK1, P23/STB, and P24/BUSY) are set to the port mode.
For restart of automatic transmission/reception, remaining data can be transferred by setting CSIE1 to
1 and writing any data to the serial I/O shift register 1 (SIO1).
Cautions 1. If the HALT instruction is executed during automatic transmission/reception,
transfer is suspended and the HALT mode is set if during 8-bit data transfer. When
the HALT mode is cleared, automatic transmission/reception is restarted from the
suspended point.
2. When suspending automatic transmission/reception, do not change the operating
mode to 3-wire serial I/O mode while TRF = 1.
Figure 19-17. Automatic Transmission/Reception Suspension and Restart
CSIE1: Bit 7 of serial operating mode register 1 (CSIM1)
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Restart Command
CSIE1 = 1, Write to SIO1
CSIE1 = 0 (Suspended Command)