Algorithm, Figure 11-2. acquire data algorithm, Algorithm -2 – National Instruments NI-Motion User Manual

Page 146

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Chapter 11

Acquiring Time-Sampled Position and Velocity Data

NI-Motion User Manual


The FIFO buffer is of a fixed size that can accommodate 4,096 samples for
one axis. One sample consists of position data, in counts or steps, and
velocity data, in counts/s or steps/s. As you increase the number of axes
from which you are acquiring data, you also decrease the total number of
samples you can acquire per axis. For example, you can acquire up to
1,024 samples per axis for four axes. You also can vary the time period
between acquired samples from 3 ms to 65,535 ms.


Figure 11-2. Acquire Data Algorithm

Acquire Data

Specify the number of axes, sample

period, and number of samples

Wait for Time = Sample Period

Wait until at least one sample

has been achieved

Read One Sample

Wait more than the sample period

to allow the controller to fill the FIFO

Loop if Wait Period

> Sample Period