Palm XPLORE G18 User Manual
Page 209

G18 User Manual 198
– Coins:Keep these until the end of the level,when you can trade
them in for bonus points!
– Powerup Crystals:Collect one of these,and your ship weapons
will be upgraded!
– Shield:Your ship can collect up to three shields for
emergencies!Activate using the DOWN button.
– Nuke Wave:This atomic blast annihilates all enemies and their
shots!Activate with the UP button.When you absolutely
positively have to blow away everything in the sector,accept no
At the end of each mission is a crazed boss intent on your
destruction!Destroy it before it destroys you!Each boss has different ways
of attacking and each has its own weaknesses!
Finding the game too hard?
Visit the Astraware website to find out about some of the cheats and secrets
embedded in the game!
Good Luck-From the Astraware Team!