Selecting a pc card or folder, Selecting a pc card or folder -8 – Kodak DCS500 User Manual

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Selecting a PC Card or Folder

Images are stored on the PC Card in folders. There is always at least one empty folder on
the card. When you store an image in an empty folder, a new empty folder is automatically
created. The new folder is called FolderX, with X being the next number available.

Selecting a PC Card or Folder


Select the Folder icon
(page 2-11).

If there is no PC card in the
camera, an X appears within the
Folder icon. Selecting the icon
produces this screen.

With one PC Card, this
dropdown menu appears with a •
displayed next to the currently
active folder.

With two PC Cards, this
dropdown menu appears with a •
displayed next to the currently
active card and the currently
active folder on that card.

A 0 or 1 appears in the Folder
icon, indicating the active PC

The listed folders are on the
active card. The folder list
changes when you change cards.


With two PC Cards, select
CARD0 or CARD1 from the
dropdown menu (page 2-11),
then select a folder. With one
card, select a folder.