Installing camera firmware on your computer, Updating camera firmware, Downloading from the pc card – Kodak DCS500 User Manual

Page 232: Installing camera firmware on your computer -9, Updating camera firmware -9, Downloading from the pc card -9

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Installing Camera Firmware on Your Computer

Firmware is the software program which runs within the camera and controls its operation.
As new firmware versions become available, you can access them from the Kodak Web
site ( You should check the Web site to see if new firmware is

Before you update the firmware on your camera, you will first need to install it on
your computer.

Download the firmware from the Kodak Web site. From the Kodak Home page, search for
Digital Cameras, DCS 500 Series, and look for download instructions.

Updating Camera Firmware

Once you have downloaded the firmware to your computer, you can update the firmware
on your camera.

There are two ways to update your camera’s firmware:

✔ Use the DCS Host software

✔ Download from the PC Card

Refer to the KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Host Software User’s Manual (on the CD
included with your camera) for instructions on updating using the Host software.

Downloading From the PC Card


Download the firmware to your


Insert a PC Card into the card
reader on your computer.


On your computer, copy the
firmware file (dcs5xx.bin) to the
root directory of a PC Card. (Do
not copy the file to a folder on
the PC Card.)


Insert the card into your camera.