Setting the iso, Setting the iso -10 – Kodak DCS500 User Manual

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Setting the ISO

You can set the ISO on the camera within the range of:

DCS 520: 200-1600

DCS 560: 80 - 200

In selecting an exposure setting, begin with lower exposure index settings; reserve
the use of higher speeds for situations requiring their use. Higher speeds may result
in lower-quality images than lower speeds. (You may notice noise in the image.) For
this reason, as with film, you may want to use a flash and a lower ISO setting.


While simultaneously holding
down the AF Mode Selector
button and Metering Mode
Selector/Flash Exposure
Compensation button, turn the
Main dial to the left or right until
the desired ISO is displayed in
the Top LCD panel.

When the AF Mode Selector
button and Metering Mode
Selector button are pressed
simultaneously, “ISO” and the
currently set ISO are displayed
in the Top LCD panel.


Release the AF Mode Selector
button and Metering Mode
Selector/Flash Exposure
Compensation button to
complete the ISO setting.