Battery conservation, Powersave mode, Waking your camera from powersave mode – Kodak DCS500 User Manual

Page 56: Six second timeout, Situations using extra battery power, Battery conservation -10, Powersave mode -10, Six second timeout -10, Situations using extra battery power -10

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Battery Conservation

PowerSave Mode

PowerSave mode minimizes drain on your battery.If your camera is running on a battery,
and you don’t touch it for 30 minutes, it will enter PowerSave mode (go to sleep).

Waking your Camera from PowerSave Mode

Six Second Timeout

When you release the Shutter button after pressing it halfway, the Top LCD panel, Back
LCD panel, and viewfinder displays remain illuminated for six seconds.

Situations Using Extra Battery Power

✔ Use of a telephoto or wide angle fisheye lens and constant auto-focusing

✔ Frequent use of the Image LCD panel

✔ Cold temperatures

✔ Turning the camera on and off frequently

Lightly press the Shutter button.