A0710 cb communication error, A0711 cb configuration error, A0910 vdc-max controller de-activated – Siemens MICROMASTER 411 User Manual

Page 90: A0911 vdc-max controller active, A0912 vdc-min controller active, A0920 adc parameters not set properly, A0921 dac parameters not set properly

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6 Troubleshooting

Issue 03/01

MICROMASTER 411 & COMBIMASTER 411 Operating Instructions



CB (communication board) specific

Diagnose & Remedy

See CB user manual

A0709 CB warning 10

Possible Causes

CB (communication board) specific

Diagnose & Remedy

See CB user manual

A0710 CB communication error

Possible Causes

Communication with CB (communication board) is lost

Diagnose & Remedy

Check CB hardware

A0711 CB configuration error

Possible Causes

CB (communication board) reports a configuration error.

Diagnose & Remedy

Check CB parameters

A0910 Vdc-max controller de-activated

Possible Causes

Vdc max controller has been de-activated, since controller is not capable of keeping DC-link voltage
(r0026) within limits (P2172).

Occurs if main supply voltage (P0210) is permanently too high

Occurs if motor is driven by an active load, causing motor to go into regenerative mode

Occurs at very high load inertias, when ramping down

Diagnose & Remedy

Check the following:

Input voltage (P0210) must lie within range

Load must be match

A0911 Vdc-max controller active

Possible Causes

Vdc max controller is active; so ramp-down times will be increased automatically to keep DC-link
voltage (r0026) within limits (P2172).

A0912 Vdc-min controller active

Possible Causes

Vdc min controller will be activated if DC-link voltage (r0026) falls below minimum level (P2172).
The kinetic energy of the motor is used to buffer the DC-link voltage, thus causing deceleration of the
So short mains failures do not necessarily lead to an undervoltage trip.

A0920 ADC parameters not set properly

Possible Causes

ADC parameters should not be set to identical values, since this would produce illogical results.
Fault value = 0: Parameter settings for output identical

1: Parameter settings for input identical

2: Parameter settings for input do not correspond to ADC type

A0921 DAC parameters not set properly

Possible Causes