D index – Siemens MICROMASTER 411 User Manual

Page 158

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Issue 03/01

MICROMASTER 411 & COMBIMASTER 411 Operating Instructions



D Index


Access Levels · 68
Advanced Operating Panel (AOP) · 152
Advanced Operator Panel (AOP) · 53
Altitude · 22
Ambient operating conditions · 19, 22

details · 152

Applicable standards

European EMC Directive · 155
European Low Voltage Directive · 155
European Machinery Directive · 155
ISO 14001 · 155
ISO 9001 · 155

Automatic De-rating · 137


Basic Operating Panel (BOP) · 152
Basic operation

changing parameters with BOP · 52

Basic Operation · 57
Basic Operator Panel

default settings with BOP · 50

Basic Operator Panel (BOP) · 50, 101

cross connections · 141

BiCo · 115, 138

operation · 138
using control words · 140
using status words · 140
worked examples · 138

Binary Connectors · 115, 138

BiCo · 138

Block Diagram · 43
Boost · 120
BOP/AOP Door Mounting Kit · 153
Braking · 132

compound · 134
dc · 133
normal · 132
Vdc max controller · 133


Case Size Rating Information · 95

Chokes · 146
Closed Loop

control · 121
implementation · 121
setting up · 122

COMBIMASTER 411 Installation Procedure

· 30

Command Sources · 61, 63
Commission Overview · 49
Commissioning · 41
Commissioning Procedure · 45
Compound Braking · 64, 134
Contact address · 5
Control and Operating Modes · 120
Control Cable Connections · 37
Control Circuit Jumpers · 47
Control Modes · 61, 65
Current Limit · 115, 116

parameters controlling · 116

Current Monitoring Accuracy · 117


DC braking · 64
DC Braking · 133
Default setup · 49

automatic · 137
for sideways installation · 136
with altitude · 135
with switching frequency · 136
with temperature · 135

Derating Factors · 135
Design Features · 17
Dimensional Detail · 26, 31
Door Mounting Kit · 107


Electrical Installation · 33
Electro-Magnetic Compatibility

general · 109, 110
self-certification · 110
technical construction file · 110

Electro-Magnetic Interference · 39