Siemens MICROMASTER 411 User Manual

Page 83

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Issue 03/01

6 Troubleshooting

MICROMASTER 411 & COMBIMASTER 411 Operating Instructions



F0020 Mains Phase Missing


Possible Causes

Fault occurs if one of the three input phases are missed while the pulses are enabled and drive is

Diagnose & Remedy

Check the input wiring of the mains phases

F0021 Earth



Possible Causes

Fault occurs if the sum of the phase currents is higher than 5 % of the nominal inverter current

This fault only occurs on inverters that have 3 current sensors (Frame sizes D to F & FX, GX)

F0022 Powerstack fault


Possible Causes

That hardware fault (r0947 = 22 and r0949 = 1) caused by the following events:
(1) DC-link overcurrent = short circuit of IGBT
(2) Short circuit of chopper
(3) Earth fault
(4) I/O board is not properly inserted

Frame sizes A to C (1),(2),(3),(4)

Frame sizes D to E (1),(2),(4)

Frame size F (2),(4)

Since all these faults are assigned to one signal on the power stack, it is not possible to establish which
one actually occurred.
MM440 Frame size FX & GX:

UCE failure was detected, when r0947 = 22 and fault value r0949 = 12 or 13 or 14, depending on

I2C bus read out error, when r0947 = 22 and fault value r0949 = 21 (The power has to be switched

Diagnose & Remedy

Check the I/O board. It has to be fully pressed home.

F0023 Output



Possible Causes

One motor phase is disconnected

F0030 Fan has failed


Possible Causes

Fan no longer working

Diagnose & Remedy

Fault cannot be masked while options module (AOP or BOP) is connected

Need a new fan

F0035 Auto restart after n


Possible Causes

Auto restart attempts exceed value of P1211

F0041 Motor Data Identification Failure


Possible Causes

Motor data identification failed.
Fault value = 0: Load missing

1: Current limit level reached during identification.

2: Identified stator resistance less than 0.1 % or greater than 100 %.

3: Identified rotor resistance less than 0.1 % or greater than 100 %.

4: Identified stator reactance less than 50 % and greater than 500 %