Sundance Spas ST201 User Manual
Page 11

Sundance Technology
The PCI Bus Interface (PBI) implements the proce-
dures and algorithms needed to link the ST201 to a
PCI bus. The ST201 can be either a PCI bus mas-
ter or slave. The PBI is also responsible for manag-
ing the DMA interfaces and the host processors
access to the ST201 registers. Arbitration logic
within the PBI block accepts bus requests from the
TxDMA Logic and RxDMA Logic. The arbiter ser-
vices the four requests in the fixed priority order of:
RxDMA Urgent Request
TxDMA Urgent Request
RxDMA Request
TxDMA Request
The PBI also manages interrupt generation for a
host processor.
The ST201 supports a multi-frame, multi-fragment
DMA gather process. Descriptors representing
frames are built and linked in system memory by a
host processor. The TxDMA Logic is responsible
for transferring the multi-fragment frame data from
the host memory into the TxFIFO.
The TxDMA Logic monitors the amount of free
space in the TxFIFO, and uses this value to decide
when to request a TxDMA. A TxDMABurstThresh
register is used to delay the bus request until there
is enough free space in the TxFIFO for a long
To prevent a TxFIFO under run condition the
TxDMA logic forwards an urgent request to the
DMA arbiter, regardless of the TxDMABurstThresh
constraint, when the number of occupied bytes in
the TxFIFO drops below the value in TxDMAUr-
gentThresh register.
The ST201 uses 2K bytes of transmit data buffer
between the TxDMA Logic and Transmit MAC.
When the TxDMA logic determines there is enough
space available in the TxFIFO, the TxDMA Logic
will move any pending frame data into the TxFIFO.
The TxReleaseThresh register value determines
the amount of data which must be transmitted out
of the TxFIFO before the FIFO memory space
occupied by that data can be released for use by
another frame.
A TxReleaseError occurs when a frame experi-
ences a collision after the TxFIFO release thresh-
old has been crossed. The ST201 will not be able
to retransmit this frame from the TxFIFO and the
complete frame must be transferred from the host
system memory to the TxFIFO again by TxDMA
The ST201 supports a multi-frame, multi-fragment
DMA scatter process. Descriptors representing
frames are built and linked in system memory by a
host processor. The RxDMA Logic is responsible
for transferring the multi-fragment frame data from
the RxFIFO to the host memory.
The RxDMA Logic monitors the number of bytes in
the RxFIFO. After a number of bytes have been
received, the frame is “visible”. A frame is visible if:
• The frame being received is determined not to be
a runt, AND
• The number of frame bytes received has
exceeded the value in the RxEarlyThresh reg-
ister (if enabled), OR
• The entire frame has been received
After a frame becomes visible, the RxDMA Logic
will issue a request to the DMA arbiter when the
number of bytes in the RxFIFO is greater than the
value in the RxDMABurstThresh. To prevent
receive overruns, a RxDMA Urgent Request is
made when the amount of free space in the
RxFIFO falls below the value in RxDMAUrgent-
The ST201 uses 2K bytes of receive data buffer
between the Receive MAC and RxDMA Logic.
When the RxDMA Logic determines the number of
bytes in the RxFIFO is greater than the value in
RxEarlyThresh register, the ST201 will generate a
RxEarly interrupt (if enabled) to the host. The val-
ues in RxEarlyThresh and RxDMABurstThresh
also determine how many bytes of a frame must be
received into RxFIFO before RxDMA Logic is
allowed to begin data transfer.
When RxEarlyThresh is set to a value that is
greater than the length of the received frame, a
RxComplete interrupt will occur at the completion
of frame reception rather than a RxEarly interrupt.
The external serial EEPROM is used for non-vola-
tile storage of such information as the node
address, system ID, and default configuration set-
tings. As part of initialization after system reset, the
ST201 reads certain locations from the EEPROM
and places the data into host-accessible registers.