Lonworks interface product manual (sha-ln16uab), Safety precautions, Installation method – Sanyo CHX06052 User Manual

Page 143: Included parts, Wiring specifications, Lonworks interface structure, Power board initial settings, Power board wiring, Main circuit board

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Remote Control Functions

7. LonWorks Interface product Manual (SHA-LN16UAB)



The following is intended for the installer responsible for

installation and test operations of the LonWorks Interface, and

should be carefully read before beginning.


The precautions given in this manual consist of specific

“Warnings” and “Cautions.” They provide important

safety-related information and are important for your safety, the

safety of others, and trouble-free operation of the system. Be sure

to strictly observe all safety procedures. The labels and their

meanings are as described below.

This s ymbol ref ers to a hazard or unsaf e

procedure o r pr actice which can result in

severe p ersonal injur y or d eath.

This s ymbol ref ers to a hazard or unsaf e

procedure o r pr actice which can result in

personal in jur y or product o r property




insta lla t i on is com p le te d, perform a t e st run to ch eck f o r

operating troub le. As you do , use the centr al contro l d evice
Operation Man ual

and explain oper a ting pr ocedures to th e

cus t om er. Then requ es t that t h e cus t om er s t ore this m a nua l

together with th e cen tral con t rol d e vic e Operation Manual.


Be sure


to arra nge insta lla tion f r om the de aler where th e s y s t e m

was purchased o r using a profess ional installer .

Elec tri c s hock or fire m a y r e s u lt if an inexp e rien ced p e rs on

performs an y ins t allation or wir i n g procedur es in correctly .

P l

v eas e ins t al l a nd ens u re co ns tr uction ac cording to Procedures

for Installat ion ( Electrical Wo rk) of LonWorks In terface.



a qu alified electrician s hould attempt to connect th is

s y stem , in a ccor d ance with th e i n structions in th is m a nual . And

be sure to use a dedica ted el ec tri cal cir c uit .

If th e el ec tric al c i rcui t c a pac i t y is insuffi cien t a dange r of

electric shock an d fire may be pr esent.


v e th e s p e c if ied cab les ( t ype and wiring di a m eter) for the

electrical connections, and conne ct the cables securely . Run and

fas t en the c a ble s s ecure l y s o t h at exte rnal for ces or pres s u re

plac ed on the c a bles will no t b e transm itted to the conn ect ion

term inals. Over heating or fir e m a y r e sult if conn ect ions or

atta chm e nts ar e not s ecur e .


Depending on the installation conditions and lo cation , an ear th

leak age br eak er m a y be requ ired . If an e a rth- lea k age br eaker is

not installed , there is a d a nger of electric shock or fire.

Safety Precautions

Install using either of th e 2 methods given b e lo w.

(1) The screws used to install th e main unit must be prov ided b y

the install e r.

(2) To connect the power cable, at tach the conduit to th e hole o n

the top when i n stalled horizon tall y o r the h o l e on the righ t

when installed v ertically and pas s the power cable through it as

illustrated above.

(3) Tie up th e pow er cable with a snap b and to avo id contact wit h

the board or the signal lin es (communicatio n lines an d

input/outpu t lines) in si de t h e ma in uni t.

Install th



e LonWorks Interf ace away from an y sources o f

ele c tri cal nois e .

Do not run the indoor/outdoor control lin es, the LonWorks

communication lines, and power cables through the same condu it,

or twist those cables tog ether, or place th e cables near on e

another . I t can cause malfunctio n.

Installation Method

2. Procedures for Installation (Electrical Work) of LonWorks Interface

Includ ed parts






Included Parts

Horizo ntal inst allati on

Vertical inst all a tion

For the indoor/outdoor control lines use twin-core AWG#20 –

AGW#14 shielded cables and ground the shield on both side.

For the LonWorks communication line cables, use twisted-pair

cables with a wire diameter of 1/64 in. or larger as

recommended by Echelon Corp.

Examples of cables re commende d b y Echelon Co r p

Total cable length

Cable t y pe

Wire diameter


Bus t y pe


24 AMG t w isted- p a ir

(TIA568A catego r y 5)

1/64 in.


2950 ft.

1470 ft.

Do not use the same cable for the indoor/outdoor control lines,

the LonWorks communication lines, and the power cable. Do not

run them through the same conduit or place the cables near one

Connect the cables so that there is no miswiring.

(Miswiring can cause malfunction.)

Wiring Specifications

Product man u a l

Cond uit

(Po w er ca bles)

Indo or/outdo or


li ne s

LonW orks

communic a tio n









This inte rfac e con t ains 4 LonWorks communication bo ards


Up to 4 indoo r unit groups (maximum 32 units) can be assigned

to 1 nod e.

LonWorks Interface Structure

When AC 200-240V power is connected, connect the po wer

transformer primar y-side to C N006. When AC 100-120V power is

connected, conn ect the power transformer primary -side to CN005.

(It is connected to CN006 when the unit is shipp ed from the plan t.)

Power Board Initial Settings

Main circu i t bo ard

Node 3

Main circu i t bo ard

Node 2

Main circu i t bo ard

Node 1

Main circu i t bo ard

Node 0


boar d

Po w e r transfor m er

The LonWork s communicatio n lin es can be c onnect ed to e ith e r

(1) or (2) in the above f i gure. Th e results ar e th e same.

Do not run the indoor/outd oor contro l lin es, th e LonWorks

communication lines, and the p ower cab les th rough the same

conduit, or place the cab les n ear one ano ther. Doing so can cause

the s y stem to m a lfunction .

Before turn in g the power on , fol l ow th e instruction in Pow e r

Board Initia l S e t tings.

When using th e spar e indoor/outdoor cotrol lin e, connect [1] an d

[3] at CN002.

W h en us ing th e s p ar e LON co m m unication lin e, conn ect [1] a n d

[3] or [4] and [6] at CN003.

Power Board Wiring

Po w e r b oard

100- 120 V

200- 240 V

LON communication

lines (2)

LON communi cation

line (2) (spare)

LON communication

lines (1)

LON communication

line (1) (spare)

Indoor/o utdo or

control li nes

Indoor/o utdo or

control line (spare)


Po w e r b oard


Not Install

Not Install: Ordinaril y , keep th i s set to “ Not In stall” (initi al

setting) .

Install: Free topolog y termin al resistor (51 7) for the

LonWorks communication lin es.





Power s witch

Po w e r transfor m er primar y-si de

CN00 5

( w h en AC 10 0-12 0V

po w e r is c onn e c ted)

C N 0 0 6 ( w he n A C 20 0- 2 4 0 V

p o we r is c o nne cted)

Main Circuit Board






LD00 9

N e u r on ID l a bel


Indoor u n it en a b lin g SW


A ddress SW


Setting SW

LD00 1~ LD 008



CN00 3


CN00 2









MiniECO-i.indb 125

2007/06/20 16:30:45