Security > ssl certificate – Minicom Advanced Systems SMARTRACK 116 IP User Manual
Page 30

Password Policy – You have the option of a standard or high security level of
password. The table below shows the parameters of the 2 options.
Standard security policy
High security policy
6 characters or more
8 characters or more must include at least 1 digit
and 1 upper case letter and 1 “special” character
as follows !@#$%^*()_-+=[]’:;?/
Must not include the user name
Must not include the user name
Check the box to enable the high security password policy. Unchecked, the
standard security policy applies.
Idle Timeout – Select the Timeout inactivity period after which the user is
disconnected from the system. Choose No Timeout to disable Timeout.
to save any configuration changes done to the Security
Settings page. The SmartRack 116 IP system restarts with the new changes.
17. Security > SSL Certificate
You can install an SSL certificate.
To do so:
From the menu, select SSL Certificate, the install SSL Certificate page appears,
see Figure 31.
Figure 31 Install SSL Certificate page
Certificate File - Browse to locate the cer file.
Private File - Browse to locate the private key file.
Key Password - Type the “private key” password.