Inputs tab – GE DEH-210 User Manual
Page 138
Features of Tabular Data Screen Wizards
PMCS Interface Toolkit
Minimum or Peak Reactive Power Sliding Window Demand, Total
Demand, and Thermal Demand
Minimum or Peak Apparent Power Sliding Window Demand, Total
Demand, and Thermal Demand
The Demand tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands:
Reset Energy – Resets Energy Demand values identified above.
Reset SWD– Resets Sliding Window Demand values identified above.
Reset Thermal – Resets Thermal Demand values identified above.
Reset Peak – Resets Peak Demand values identified above.
The Minimum/Peak panel's Show Maximum and Show Minimum buttons can be
used to toggle the display between minimums and peaks.
Inputs Tab
EPM 7500/7600 Meter - Inputs Tab
The Inputs tab displays the following values from the EPM 7500/7600.
Digital Inputs
Status (On, Off) for Status Inputs (SI) 1-8. (Color Code: Green – ON,
Grey – OFF).
Counters for SI1-8.
The Inputs tab also provides push buttons for performing the following commands: