Installation – GE DEH-210 User Manual
Page 10
PMCS Interface Toolkit
To install the Interface Toolkit from the CD-ROM, refer to the instructions provided
in DEH-211, the PMCS Read This Book First. When installing CIMPLICITY HMI
4.01, be sure to include the Advanced DDE Communications" option.
For PMCS View Nodes, be sure to install the appropriate PMCS software to support
CIMPLICITY wizard operation. A runtime view node installation provides files
needed to operate the wizards, the wizard help files, and the EventViewer and
Waveform client applications. Without these files, your screens will not function
correctly on the view node.
For WebView users, please note that the EventViewer and Waveform client
applications cannot be viewed, but all information displayed in the wizard is
You can verify successful installation of the PMCS Wizards into CIMPLICITY HMI
by opening CimEdit, and clicking the Object Explorer button to display the symbols
library window. The PMCS Wizards should be listed in the directory structure on the
left side of the Symbols window as shown below. If they are not, reinstall from the
PMCS CD-ROM. PMCS Advanced Wizards (device wizards) are located in the
PMCS Advanced Wizards directory; standard PMCS Wizards (such as Elevation and
Floor Plan wizards) are located in the PMCS Wizards directory.