Adding a bass line, 6, adding a bass line, 6adding a bass line – Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual
Page 81: Prerequisites

Adding a Bass Line
MASCHINE is not only about rhythm. It is also a full-featured sequencing environment and, as
such, lets you create melodic parts as well. As an example, you will add a bass line to your
song. More precisely:
You will create a new Group with a nice bass Sound using a VST/AU plug-in synthesizer.
You will record a few bass lines.
You will adjust the Plug-in parameters to fine-tune the bass sound.
In addition to recording your own instruments, you can also add audio loops to your Project. For
more information on how to add audio loops to your Project, and to learn about the MASCHINE Au-
dio plug-in, refer to the MASHINE Manual.
It is assumed here that you have followed the previous tutorials. In particular, you already know
how to:
Use the pads to play the loaded Sounds (
Select Pattern slots (
5.2.1, Selecting a Pattern Slot
Record a Pattern (
3.3, Recording Your First Pattern
), possibly using the Count-in (
Recording a New Pattern Using the Count-in
), and edit it in the software (
Save the current Project for a later use (
If you have any doubts about these tasks, please refer to the previous tutorials before proceed-
In case your tutorial Project “My First Project” is not open, please open it now:
Open the tutorial Project “My First Project.”
Adding a Bass Line
MASCHINE - Getting Started - 81