Managing sections, Adjusting the length of a section – Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual

Page 141

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By repeating this for each new Section, you can quickly assign Scenes to the Timeline of the

Arranger view.

10.2 Managing Sections

Now that you have added your Scenes to a few Sections, you can start to organize them into a
song. For this, the Arranger view provides you with many editing facilities.

10.2.1 Adjusting the Length of a Section

Before you start to adjust the length of a Section, it’s important to understand a few rules on

how Sections, Scenes and Patterns are displayed within the Arranger view:
By default the length of a Section is automatically set to the longest Pattern used within the

Section (Auto Length), unless the length of the Section is manually set to a specific bar range
(Manual Length).

Auto Length: By default, the length of a Section corresponds to the longest Pattern used in
the referenced Scene. Inserting a new Pattern that is longer than the Section automatically

extends the Section. Removing the longest Pattern from the Section automatically shrinks
the Section. Extending/shrinking the longest Pattern automatically extends/shrinks the Sec-
tion accordingly.

Manual Length: A Section can be manually adjusted to a set length. This can be shorter or
longer than the Pattern contained within the referenced Scene. Inserting or removing Pat-
terns from the Scene will not alter the length of the Section, however the length of a Sec-
tion can be altered by dragging the mouse directly in the timeline or by using your MA-
SCHINE controller.

If a Pattern is shorter than the Section it is placed in, it is automatically repeated until the
end of the Section (the last repetition might be shortened). These repetitions are automati-
cally generated and cannot be edited. They reference the same Pattern placed at the be-
ginning of the Section. Repetitions of a Pattern are indicated by darker blocks in the Ar-

Creating an Arrangement

Managing Sections

MASCHINE - Getting Started - 141