Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual
Page 186

(6) Sound slots: Sounds slots
of the selected Group are listed here. Click a Sound slot to
bring it into focus and display its Plug-ins and Channel properties in the Control area (see
). In Keyboard view (2), click a Sound slot to display its events in the
Step Grid (11).
(7) Pattern slots: Each Group has an unlimited number of Patterns available. Each Pattern slot
can hold one Pattern. A Pattern contains the events that make up a groove or a musical phrase
for the selected Group. Click the drop-down arrow to open the Pattern Manager and select a
Pattern slot to display and edit its Pattern. Upon slot selection this Pattern is also referenced
for that Group in the selected Scene in the Arranger (see
). Select various
Patterns from each Group to form an arrangement.
(8) Pattern Length controls: The Pattern Length controls allow you to choose the unit by which
the length of the Pattern can be adjusted and to adjust the length of the displayed Pattern ac-
cording to that unit.
(9) Dragger icons: The Dragger icons allow you to conveniently drag and drop audio or MIDI
from your Patterns to your desktop or host software.
(10) Pattern timeline: The timeline at the top of the Step Grid (11) displays musical time units,
including bars and beats. Click the timeline to resize the currently selected Pattern.
(11) Step Grid: Displays the content of the selected Pattern slot (7). Here you can see your re-
corded events as rectangular blocks. In Group view (3) these represent the Sounds of your
Group. In Keyboard view (2) they represent musical notes of the selected Sound. The events
can be edited using your mouse; they can be dragged to a new position, elongated, shortened
or deleted.
(12) Control Lane: The Control Lane provides a visual overview and editing tools for the automa-
tion of each parameter and modulation of each MIDI control change.
(13) Edit controls: Use the Step menu to change the step size in which events can be moved/
resized and click the Arrow or Paint icons to toggle the Paint mode on/off.
(14) Control Lane button: The Control Lane button allows you to show/hide the Control Lane
For a detailed explanation of each section please refer to the MASCHINE Manual.
Quick Reference
MASCHINE Software Overview
MASCHINE - Getting Started - 186