Native Instruments MASCHINE MK3 Groove Production Studio (Black) User Manual

Page 166

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ing to both the pads you hold and the scale and chords you have configured. As a shortcut,

when your pads are in Group mode press






) to directly switch your

pads in Keyboard mode and activate the Arp engine. The Note Repeat / Arp mode can be pin-
ned: Press


+ Button 1 to pin/unpin the mode. For a practical example of use,


3.4.2, Using Note Repeat


(2) LOCK button: Press


at any time to create a snapshot of all modulable parameters in

your Project. Subsequently, change any of these parameters during your performance or studio

session, then press the dim lit


button again to recall the snapshot with the original pa-

rameter values. Press





Ext Lock

) to access Extended Lock mode and store/recall

up to 64 snapshots using your pads, update and organize them into banks, and configure
morphing transitions between them. Lock is a powerful tool for extensive modulations, but also
very useful to compare mixes, or to switch up snapshots during a live performance.
(3) Smart Strip: The Smart Strip puts control of several parameters literally at your fingertips:
Depending on the Strip Mode button (47) selected above the Smart Strip, use it to apply
pitch bend or modulation to the Sound(s) played on the pads, apply and tweak Perform FX in
real time, or play Sounds by strumming on the strip, even with two fingers. Above the Smart
Strip, a LED bar indicates the current value or note set on the strip.
(4)–(7) Strip Mode buttons: The PITCH (4), MOD (5), PERFORM (6), and NOTES (7) buttons let you
select the function of the Smart Strip (3) underneath. Press the Strip Mode buttons to enable
or disable the corresponding function:



(4) or


(5) to send MIDI Pitchbend or Modulation data to the selected

Sound using the Smart Strip. While doing this, press


in the Transport section to re-

cord your actions as MIDI automation into your Pattern.



(6) and use the Smart Strip to control the Perform FX (if any) for the

selected Group. Press





FX Select

) to quickly select and load a Perform

FX for that Group while enabling its control from the Smart Strip.



(7) and use the Smart Strip to play whatever is currently loaded on the

pads: Sounds, notes or chords, depending on the current Pad Input mode. If you hold cer-
tain pads, only these pads are triggered by the strip, otherwise all pads can be triggered
along the strip. E.g., with pads in Keyboard mode, you can touch the strip for single notes,
slide your finger for progressive note strums, use two fingers for instant jumps between
notes, but that’s not all: You can use the Smart Strip in combination with the Note Repeat,
Arp, and Chord engines for endless creative possibilities.

Quick Reference

MASCHINE Hardware Overview

MASCHINE - Getting Started - 166