6 info screens, Info screens – ARRI ALEXA Mini LF Ready to Shoot V-Mount Set (LPL) User Manual

Page 48

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Menu Operation


13.6 Info Screens

The INFO screens provide detailed information about the current state of the camera system.
► Select

MENU > Info


The INFO list contains the following entries.

Version Info
System Info
Maximum FPS Info
Media Info
USB Info
Network Info

Lens Info
User Button Info
EXT Sync Info
Export HW Info File
Export Logfiles
Export Update Logfiles

Version Info

The version info screen displays the software versions of the camera and connected components:

MVF-2 Software
Lens Mount Software

The camera software version.
Revision of camera software version.
Firmware version of active FPGA (indicated by number in brackets).
Software version of MVF-2 (only shown if connected).
Software version of lens mount.

System Info

The system info provides detailed information about the camera:

Time + Date
Camera Serial No.
Operating Hours
Sensor Temperature
Sensor Temp. State
Camera Temp. State

Current system time and date of the camera.
Serial number of camera.
Total operational time of the camera in hours:minutes.
Current temperature of image sensor.
Rates the sensor temperature according to OK, warning, or error.
Rates the camera temperature according to OK, warning, or error.

Maximum FPS Info

This screen gives detailed information about the maximum sensor frame rate:

Sensor FPS
Codec FPS
Media FPS

Maximum sensor FPS with the current recording resolution.
Maximum sensor FPS with the camera's current codec setting.
Maximum sensor FPS supported by the inserted recording media with the current recording

codec and camera's resolution setting.

Media Info

This screen shows information on the recording media:

FW Version
Clip Count

Status of the recording media.
Name/model of the recording media.
Serial number of the recording media.
Firmware version of the recording media.
Total storage size of the recording media.
Amount of clips on the recording media.

This manual is related to the following products: