Pc cards capable of displaying and saving, Regarding write protect, The card indicator (^23) in the display – Panasonic DMR-T3040 User Manual

Page 9: Still pictures (jpeg), Folders that can be displayed/saved, Pc card, Dvd-ram, Pc card still pictures (jpeg)

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background image

PC card

PC cards capable of displaying and sav­

• SD Memory Card*
• Multi Media Card*
• Compact Flash*

• Smart Media*
• Memory Stick*
• ATA Flash PC card

'A PC card adapter conforming to PC card standards is necessary.

• Compatible with:

FAT 12 or FAT 16 (-»page 65)

• This unit is compatible with Type II PC cards. Do not insert any

other type of PC card.

• This unit is not compatible with card type hard disks (Microdrives


• Use this unit to format a PC card when using for the first time

(-•page 48). Note that the PC card may no longer be usable on

other equipment once formatted on this unit.

• This unit operates in accordance with the Digital Print Order

Format (-•DPOF, page 65). (PC card only)

• Only use the memory cards recommended above.

■ Regarding Write Protect

For cards that come provided with a write protect switch, if the
switch is on it will not be possible to write, erase or format the card.

■ The card indicator (^23) in the display

Please carry out insertion and removal of the PC card after
turning the unit off.

The indicator flashes when the data is being written to or read from
the card. Do not turn off the power or remove the card at such a

Should you






malfunction or the contents of

the card may be damaged.

Still pictures (JPEG) [!||

• This unit is compatible with DCF* based, still picture (JPEG) files

recorded using a digital camera.

"Design rule for Camera File system: unified standard established

by Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries

Association (JEITA).

• Picture definition;

Compatible in the range 320 x 240 - 6144 x 4096 (sub sampling

is 4:2:2 or 4:2:0)

• This unit can handle a maximum of

300 folders

(including header

folders) and

3,000 files.

Files and folders with numbers which

exceed the maximum cannot be displayed, copied or erased.

• This unit displays only still pictures conforming to DCF standards

and JPEG still pictures. It cannot display moving pictures,
MOTION JPEG and other such formats, still pictures other than

JPEG (i.e. TIFF) or play associated sound.

• When there are a lot of folders and files, it may take a long time to

display copy or erase.

• Folder titles that were input on equipment other than this unit may

not be displayed properly.

• When saving still pictures on HDD, it is recommended that you

copy them to the PC card or DVD-RAM also. (->page 46).




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Folders that can be displayed/saved

Still pictures (denoted as Filename : xxxxxxxx.JPG) saved in folders


) as shown below can be displayed/saved.

Folders (including the still pictures inside those folders) below the

compatible folder cannot be displayed or saved.

: Compatible folder

: Upper level folder

• PC card

^ Numbers

X X : Letters


• You may select any underlined folder for

display, (-»page


• Copying cannot be carried out to folders (^i) made on other

equipment (->page 46),

• The folder cannot be displayed if the numbers are all “0" (e.g,, DCIM

000 etc).

