1 introduction, 1.1 systems covered by this manual, 1.2 terminology used in this manual – Innotech eServer User Manual

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eServer Setup and Site Installation Instructions

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© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2009

Edition 5.0 dated 07/01/2014

1-1 Introduction

This manual is intended to provide the customer with complete and comprehensive documentation

to set up and configure the Innotech eServer software for a site computer. eServer enables local

and remote client computers access to a Magellan Explorer interface from within their web browser,

enabling direct access to information on the site computer.

Although the intent of this manual is to simplify the installation task, instructions contained in

this manual are based on the assumption that the typical installer is familiar with the operation

of the Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Vista Business, or XP Professional operating systems.

Furthermore, basic installation and configuration instructions are provided for sites with a Windows

Server 2008 R2 computer.

Customers should familiarise themselves with the content of this manual before attempting

installation and setup of eServer on their computer.

Throughout this manual there are icons to illustrate general notes and important notes, as illustrated


1-1.1 Systems Covered by this Manual

The manual covers the preparation and configuration of a remote computer to access and display

a Magellan Explorer interface from within a web browser, while accessing information on a remote

computer. This is facilitated through the Innotech eServer software when using an Microsoft Internet

Explorer web browser.

1-1.2 Terminology used in this Manual

In order to simplify the instructions, common terminology and references to other Innotech products

are used throughout this manual. A brief description of some of the terminology is provided in this


eServer Client computer: any computer which is connecting to the eServer Host computer. In

common scenarios, an eServer Client computer will be a laptop computer, a computer on the site's

local area network or an external computer connecting to the eServer Host computer via a secure

Internet connection. The eServer Client computer requires both a supported Windows operating

system and Internet Explorer software.

eServer Host computer: the computer which is running the Innotech eServer software and has the

Magellan project loaded. In common scenarios, this will be a computer on site, and accessible from

computers on the local area network and computers on external networks if required. The eServer

Host computer requires a supported Windows operating system.

Important - provides information about tasks that must be completed before continuing to reach the desired




Note - provides extra information about the details contained on the page that you should take notice of.